Friday, March 25, 2011

Kate McCreery Glynn in race for President!: The Emergence of the New "Iron Lady"

By Marko Obradovic of the Somerville Globe

On March 23rd, on her campaign blog webpage, Kate has announced that she is running for the President of the United States of America. Few were surprised with this announcement, especially in DC. Our sources say that many have publicly and privately supported her in becoming a first female President. Kate (34), is widely perceived as strong woman of military career and a carrying mother of two. She is hoping to mobilize support on tackling problems our nations faces in education, economy and environment issues. With distinct military career and engagement in operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom, she expects strong support from nation’s patriotic caucus. The following months will show if America is ready for the first “Iron Lady” in the White House.

Kate Glynn for President on FACEBOOK

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kate Glynn sits down with interviewer Amy Chan

(Atlanta, GA):

Q1: Why are you running & why should people vote for you?
A1: I offer a unique perspective in that I am both a mom (concerned with education, public safety etc.) and a veteran (vested in veterans' affairs, national security etc.) At this time, when the U.S. faces two wars and a crumbling economy that we are trying to reignite, it's important that leaders have developed perspectives on both.
Q2: If elected, what will your first policy priority be?
A2: That is a great question. I certainly have policy priorities of my own, but what matters is not MY priority, but the priority of our citizens. That is why, over the next few weeks, I will spend a lot of time listening, so I can figure out what "OUR" policy priority, not "mine" but "our", should be.
Q3: How will you overcome bipartisanship in DC? How will you "please both camps" unlike President Obama, who has been criticized by both the left and right?
A3: Another great question. I certainly don't pretend to have a magic want to cure the bipartisanvitriol that is the norm in DC. But I do think that I am unique in by ability to speak to both camps. As a veteran, I am equally comfortable speaking to more "hawkish" elements, as well as those concerned with social justice issues like marriage equality (I don't remember the exact phrasing, but she mentions marriage equality in her question). It will be a long road, but I believe I'm uniquely qualifiedto take it.
Q4: you campaign announcement talked about the many dangers the U.S. faces. Do you really believe that?
A4: Our campaign is about expanding the definition of "national security." The traditional definition assumes national security = guns & bombs, but the questions I pose are:
- is a nation truly secure, when it is failing to educate our children?
- is a nation truly secure, when it is reliant on old technology and polluting fuels that make it dependent on other nations?
Our announcement may have appeared a bit darker than we intended, because the "national security" we envision goes far beyond the traditional definition.
Q5: Your campaign announcement also talked about "killing those who intend us harm." Does this mean that you agree with the aggressive U.S. foreign policy, and will support assertive interventions overseas?
A5: No. As commander in chief, my first priority will be to ensure the safety and security of the American people. I will use whatever force necessary, lethal force if required, to guarantee that. But that does not mean that I will will-nilly expend American lives and military treasure overseas in pursuit of some foreign policy goals. When the necessity arises, I will not hesitate, but I think that any president will tell you that military force is their LAST, not first option.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Glynn Announces Candidacy, Promises to Secure Nation


Kate Glynn, an Iraq war veteran and mother of two, announced today that she is seeking the office of President of the United States.

“We should not think that securing our nation consists only of killing those that plan us harm. Just as dangerous to our national security is the threat we face from having a generation of uneducated American children. Just as dangerous to our national security is the threat of having an economy that under produces while over leveraged. Just as dangerous to our national security is having a changing environment that spawns ever more frequent and powerful natural disasters. As patriotic Americans, it is our duty to not only protect our country from evildoers but also from all threats,” Glynn said.

A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Glynn was a Navy helicopter pilot from 1998-2007 during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. At home, Glynn is married to a Marine Major and is a mother of two. Glynn is also a soon to be graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Andrew Erskine
1019 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138
Ph: 312-488-0540